Happy Alphaversary: One Year In

Wait… Has it really already been a year since we first invited our tiny group of testers in?  Huh… Who knew?  Time sure does fly, doesn’t it?

Well, we’ve certainly come a long way in that time.  There have been some major stability updates, most of the main game features are working, or very close to working, we’ve got a few web app screens close to ready, and our user base is getting close to 100 players… Wait a minute… I just said close to, didn’t I?  And 100 isn’t even prime, so why the heck would I even say such a number!?!  Let’s say 101, and let’s see what we can do to get up to that number ASAP!

Later today, I’ll open up a thread in the forums where I want as many awesome and crazy creative posts that you can imagine!  Good at drawing?  Make us a funny doodle.  Bad at drawing?  Scribble something anyways!  Like to write?  We enjoy all kinds of poetry and stories.  Whatever you do, just give it a piece of your heart, and you’ll be in the mix to get added to the alpha test group.

I’ll leave the thread open for about a week, and then a small group will comb through the submissions to find their favorites (and we may even pick a couple names at random).  The winners will be informed shortly after decisions are made.  If you don’t make the cut this time, don’t worry, we’re thinking up new ways to start adding people on a more regular basis as well, so stay tuned!

Happy creating!


P.S.: Let’s all take a brief moment of silence for Glitch in honor of the third anniversary of its shut down.  While what we are doing here wouldn’t be possible without it’s untimely end and the amazing generosity of those who made it, it’s left a gaping whole in the hearts and minds of so many people that we can only hope to fill again someday.

10 thoughts on “Happy Alphaversary: One Year In”

  1. Wow, it is about that time of year, eh? Congrats and happy Alphaversary!!! Love the postings already in the thread and look forward to see more of the creativity that our fellow Glitchen have! Wouldn’t want to be the ones to have to make the call on who to choose…already some great competition!

  2. I miss Glitch too. It’s been a year that you’ve been in Alpha? Good for you. Better slow than have the thing blow up in your faces. I’m patiently waiting until the game goes into Beta or, best of all, opens!

  3. Yes we have to have patience and wish all the team on Eleven all the best wishes for the coming future, and just to remind you that I am waiting till the day comes that we can participate….😊😊😊😊

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