This is the tiniest of tiny updates. Feel free to pelt me with rotten cloudberries if this post gets you unduly excited. 😉
If you visit our homepage, we now have a favicon – it’s a symbol from one of our beloved giants! I can’t tell you which one, because it’s going to be different every time you refresh the page!
We thought it would be a fun way to honor our giants, who are still out there adventuring. We’re hoping they return for a nice long sleep soon, so we can fill their dreams once again.
Many thanks to Veralidaine for designing the icons!
This is lovely. <3
Thank you!
Hey you guys! I found a youtuber who played glitch and uploaded a few videos, I thought it might be helpful to see how the tutorial in the beginning was. Here’s the link!
Thank you! I remember seeing that video once before. It may very well be helpful for QA. 😀